Recipe: Mango Breakfast Oats 

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Published On
30 Jan, 2024
Read Time
2 minutes

The perfect summertime breakfast for weaning babies or toddlers, these easy Quick Cook mango breakfast oats can be served with some extra strips of mango (leftover from the whole mango) as finger food.  

Mango’s vibrant orange flesh is a good source of Vitamin A which supports eye health and development. Leave a little skin on the bottom or roll in desiccated coconut to help grip with little fingers! You can also add extras like desiccated coconut or ground seeds for some extra fibre and fats.  

This recipe makes six to 10 portions depending on your baby’s age (and appetite).  


  • 200g of yoghurt 

  • 50g of rolled oats 

  • half a ripe mango (~100g) 

  • 1 passion fruit – seeds strained (optional)  


  1. Start by dicing your mango into chunks, ensuring all the skin is removed.
  2. Put your yoghurt, oats and mango into the Quick Cook blending jug and blend for around 45 seconds (you can blend for less time if you’d like more texture from the oats).
  3. You can offer this to your little one straight away or leave it in the fridge for up to 24 hours to allow the oats to go extra soft.
  4. For an extra tropical twist, strain the flesh of passion fruit on top of your oats and stir in. The wrinklier your passion fruit, the less sour the taste!


You can store these oats in a well-sealed container for up to five days in the refrigerator (assuming your yoghurt had a shelf life of up to that time), but they’re generally best eaten within two days. Or you can freeze them for up to three months.


  • Milk: Substitute for milk-free yoghurt to make this recipe dairy-free. 

  • Gluten: Use gluten-free oats to make this recipe gluten-free. 

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