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Ahh sleep, precious sleep! As a new parent, you may find yourself dreaming of a silent night more than ever, that's mainly down to the fact that a baby's sleep pattern or cycle differs a lot from an adult's - which is pretty predictable thanks to our biological circadian rhythm (that's the thing that makes us feel tired at night and awake during the day).
The term 'sleep cycle' is used to broadly describe the cyclical process of being awake and asleep in a certain time frame, such as 24 hours.
It can also refer to a single sequence of two types of sleep: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep (also known as active and quiet sleep).
Newborn babies require up to 18 hours of sleep, and they may sleep anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours at a time over 24 hours. By six months, babies sleep an average of about 13 to 14 hours each day over bigger blocks of time.
As a baby grows, their sleep cycles progress. They begin to spend less time in REM sleep, and their sleep cycle starts to look more like an adult's. Babies roughly complete one sleep cycle in 45 minutes, which increases to 60 minutes by the time they are around three years old. So don't worry, you won't be battling with sleep deprivation forever!
Explore the Range
The International Sleep Charity believes that everybody deserves a good night's sleep.
UNICEF's Baby Friendly Initiative offers resources that cover a range of issues around infant sleep and caring for babies at night.
The Sleep Health Foundation has a number of fact sheets about sleep related topics.
Take a look at the latest evidence-based advice from Red Nose Australia on how keep your baby safe and reduce the risk of sudden infant death.