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As adults, we can sit up without even thinking about it. But for babies, sitting up unassisted isn't quite as easy! It can take a little time for them to learn how to sit up independently. Their muscles need to develop and strengthen, and it takes lots of practice and preparation to get it right.
Let's run through how and when your baby will start sitting up and look at how you can support their development and keep them safe as they learn and become more independent.
All little ones are unique and develop at their own pace, but in the timeline of baby development, most babies learn how to sit up before they're able to crawl. If your baby was born prematurely (before 37 weeks), it might take them a little longer than other babies to reach certain milestones.
Before they master the skill of sitting up solo, most babies:
Once they can sit up on their own, they'll be able to see the world from an exciting new vantage point. They'll also be able to play with their toys and interact with you in more interesting ways.
All these developmental steps strengthen their muscles and improve their coordination skills. This will help them to crawl, pull themselves up to a standing position, and eventually take their first steps.
Most little ones can sit upright when supportedometime between six and seven months of age. However, it's important to remember that no two babies develop at the same speed.
By around eight months, most babies can sit up independently without any support.
By the time they reach nine months old, most babies can play while sitting upright and can twist their torso from left to right to reach their toys.
Some babies can push up from their stomach when in a lying-down position as early as seven months. That said, most will need a helping hand to get into a sitting position until they're around 11 months old.
Small bumps and the occasional accident are all part of growing up. But you must consider your little one's safety as they become more mobile and learn to sit unassisted. Follow these tips to help keep your baby safe:
All babies reach their key milestones at different ages, so try not to worry. If you give your baby plenty of opportunities to practice their sitting skills, they'll get there at their own pace.
But if you notice that your baby can't sit unsupported by nine months of age or are concerned about any other aspect of their growth and development, you should reach out to your family doctor for advice.