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The choice to give a baby a dummy (also known as a pacifier or soother) is a very personal one. When it comes down to it, the choice is entirely yours.
Some parents don't include a dummy in their baby's routine and manage without one. But others (around two-thirds) do choose to use a dummy to soothe their baby when they're unsettled or crying and find that a dummy satisfies their baby's natural non-nutritive sucking reflex when they're not feeding.
Parents sometimes think they won’t use a dummy, but then change their mind when their baby arrives, and that's ok! Remember to trust your parental instincts and don't feel swayed or disheartened by the judgement of others.
To help you decide, let's run through when dummies can be introduced, some of the advantages and disadvantages of dummies, and how you can introduce a dummy safely.
Dummies can satisfy a baby's natural sucking instincts when they're not feeding, and many find sucking on a dummy very soothing when they're distressed or trying to fall asleep. They can also provide relief during times of stress, for example, if you're attending a medical appointment.
Finally, although more research is needed in this area and the exact correlation is unclear, there've been studies suggesting that dummy use alongside breastfeeding may reduce the risk of cot death – also known as sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS.
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If you decide that you'd like to give your baby a soother, it's best to wait until around four weeks after birth. That way, you both have time to settle into your feeding routine (whether you're breastfeeding or bottle feeding) and your baby has time to learn how to feed from your nipple or the teat of a bottle.
If you introduce a dummy before they're settled into a steady feeding routine, there's a chance that your baby could get confused between feeding and suckling, which may lead to feeding problems such as nipple confusion.
Modern dummies are safe for newborns to use. They can easily be sterilised, and the mouth shield stops babies from choking on or swallowing the teat. Dummies are safe for newborns, but if you’re breastfeeding, it’s best to wait until your feeding routine is established, before you introduce a dummy.
It’s best to start introducing your baby to a dummy for the first time when you’re both relaxed and comfortable. Gently bring the dummy to their lips to encourage them to take it. It may help to offer them their dummy soon after they’ve finished a feed.
If your baby is bottle-fed, consider choosing a dummy from the same brand as the bottle (the teats are often the same shape and size).
Some babies accept a dummy right away, others may take a little more time, and some never enjoy using a dummy. If your baby spits their dummy out, this is usually a sign that they don’t want to accept it.
Yes, babies can have a dummy when sleeping. To help establish a regular sleep routine, you can offer your baby a dummy before you put them down to sleep (during the day or night) alongside following other safe sleep guidelines.
If their dummy falls out of your baby's mouth while they're asleep and they don't wake up, there's no need to put it back in. If they do wake up, they'll soon let you know if they want it back again.
Tommee Tippee Nighttime Soothers glow in the dark so they're easier to find in the middle of the night.
It's important to note that not all babies will like a dummy, and you should never force your baby to accept their dummy.
If your baby seems to be resisting their dummy, try offering it when they're more relaxed or towards the end of a feed, but if they continue to refuse their dummy, don't force them as this will only cause more distress for you both.